
Monday, October 26, 2009

Honors English -- New Term!

Today in class we talked about common errors in The Chosen final exam. Here's a list:
1.  No titles for each question (as in a thought exercise)
2.  No page numbers for the quotes (per MLA style) ex: (56).
3.  Italics or underline missing in the title of the book.
4.  Writing about "you" or "we" or "I"
5.  Writing about literature in the past tense (Danny felt, Reuven saw) vs in the present tense (Danny feels loney; David Malter has a heart attack).
6. Writing more than 8 sentences (when it wasn't needed)
7. Question not clear (Thesis statement not precise)
8. Missing commentary or concluding sentence

We talked about getting a new book from the Outside Home Reading Assignments. The new book should be chosen by November 3rd. The Term 2 project will be oral performances.

Midterm is right before Thanksgiving break.

Book reports due after winter break (January 5th).

Homework: Choose outside reading book. Be prepared to defend your choice.