
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Honors English: John Donne & Holy Sonnet 10

Quiz on TP-CASTT
1. Why look at the title twice?
2. Why do the connotation and denotation matter? Figures of speech (what is WITH the word).
3. What sort of literary elements should you notice every time you read?
4. What elements are unique to poetry? You could call them structural if you wanted.
5. "S" is not for symbolism or structure. It's for this (_ _ _ _ _ _) and it's important to poetry because...

Introduction of the term "Existential questions." These are questions like: Who am I? Where am I going? What is the purpose of life? What happens after death?
These questions are often answered by religion, but are a driving force in literature. 
NOT existentialsm, though it asks existential questions.

Explications of Divine/Holy Sonnet 10(X)
"A Quick and Rough Explication"
Associated Commentary of Holy Sonnet 10

John Donne on wikipedia
E-notes on The Holy Sonnets

A clean copy of Holy Sonnet 10

Homework: Thought Exercise on "Death Be Not Proud" (Holy Sonnet 10)
Be reading your outside reading book! You should be to page 50 (a quarter of the way) by next Wednesday. You will have a thought exercise due on Wednesday, November 11th.