
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

English 10, B4

Today, we read Calvin & Hobbes and discussed connections. Your homework is to create a T chart and find 5+ connections in your book and create a list of responses to them. Bring it next time with your historical fiction write.

Then we worked on genre today. We finished non-fiction and did historical fiction:

Non fiction means: it isn't made up. It's not a story.  Non-fiction doesn't follow rules. It's not fiction at all. It's "truth." It's filtered through an author.
1. Autobiography auto= self   bio=life   graphy=story
2. Professional/ghost written autobiography
3. Memoir
4. Biography Someone else writes the story. Usually more reliable about the dead.
5. Unauthorized biography Usually unreliable about the living.
Intended audience more often adults over 45+ and male.
NOT the same as "based on a true story" WHICH IS FICTION.
Historical Fiction
Standards for judging Historical Fiction:
setting that is integral to the story.
Authentic use of TIME and PLACE.
EVENTS are portrayed accurately.
The author doesn't make mistakes about the time period but is still creative.
The EVENTS are believable.
People act & feel the same way across time
There should be connection to well-known events, people, or other clues so that the reader can place the events in their correct historical framework. The reader should feel like he or she has experienced history when he or she has finished reading the novel. "I was there.
Then you had a quick write where you needed to write HISTORICAL FICTION:
Pretend you are either your mother or your father. Imagine what a day in high school would have been like as them. What would they have worn? What would they have heard on the radio? Imagine what it would be like to go to high school as them. Who, what, when, where? Pretend you are them for a day in high school... You may have to go home and ask questions to complete this quick write.