
Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, English 10

1. Today, I asked you which book you chose for your book report. This is a score in the computer worth 20 points. (We went to the library to check it out. You should have it to show me today).

2. Then we reviewed the calendar. I had the due dates written on the board and we took the calendar out and went over it.

3. Then we filled in the rest of page 1 on the Genre Flip Chart. We discussed Non-fiction and then Historical Fiction.

1st period, they wrote the following quick write: Write about your book.
Why did you choose the book you chose for your book report?

If you didn't choose a book, write about a historical fiction book you have read. How did the setting impact the framework of the book? How did it create the book make it the book it was? Why did the setting matter?

2nd and 4th period, did the following quick write:
Pretend you are either your mother or your father. Imagine what a day in high school would have been like as them. What would they have worn? What would they have heard on the radio? Imagine what it would be like to go to high school as them. Who, what, when, where? Pretend you are them for a day in high school... You may have to go home and ask questions to complete this quick write.