
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday, English 10 "How to Read a Book by Its Cover"

1. First, you should have received a copy of the class calendar. We talked about dates and how many days there were left in the quarter.

2. We discussed the parameters of the book you will choose for your outside reading. It needs to be 300+ pages long, on at least a 10th grade reading level, and you should not have read it before. I recommend that it be fiction (and not non-fiction). Non-fiction won't work this quarter with "the rules."
Real life doesn't follow rules.

3. You received "My Genre Notes" and we filled out What is genre, Why does genre matter, What is Industry Standard,  When is a book a best seller?,  How do I tell who the "intended audience" is for a book? Complete notes available here

4. You had a book and wrote the following quick write:
Read your book by it's cover
How important is the author?
Is the title more important than the author?
Who's the intended audience?
Can you tell symbols? Or characters?
Why did you pick this book?