
Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Days & Chronological Order Notes

We discussed what sort of things might be told chronologically, like Phineas & Ferb (one day), King Arthur (from the sword in the stone to the end of Camelot with his death at the hands of Mordred), Harry Potter (one school year), Sleeping Beauty (her christening, her 16th birthday, 100 years of sleep, "happily ever after).

We also discussed your homework:
You should be ONE FIFTH of the way through your book by next time.
You should write your first journal write.
How much do you know about your person at this point? Is your book written chronologically, beginning with your person’s birth, or is your book organized in some other way? Use a minimum of 175 words to describe what the book has to say about your person (so far). 
Due date: Monday, November 8th
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