
Thursday, November 11, 2010

You are in the writing lab today...

You need 2 newspaper articles and 1 magazine article.
Your subject must connect to your project.
Your project must connect to your research.
Here are all the links you need:

Research Link (including all the newspaper and magazines from Utah)

The most important link is the research link. Please explore it thoroughly. You have more than enough to look at. If you get enough information, you may read your book. However, your research must be passed off  before you can start reading. If you can't use the internet because you can't log-on, you may quietly read, but you must be reading quietly to receive your points for the class period. You will be graded on how much you get accomplished during the class period, and you will be expected to get all the research finished. 

Bring all 3 articles to class with you next time.