
Thursday, December 16, 2010

What's Due AFTER the Break??

PowerPoint Project Presentation

You will need to have 10 slides in your PowerPoint.

Slide 1 should have your name, and a title that explains your project.
You may choose to put a picture or music on it.

Slide 2 should cover the book you chose for your book report.
(You may have photos from Amazon, from movies, etc.)

Slide 3 should explain what you researched and what you learned.
Your thesis should be clear.

Slide 4 should cover any interesting pictures, sources, or extras that
didn't fit into your paper. This might be music, video, pictures.

Slide 5 should explain what you did and when you did it
(you may have pictures here)

Slide 6 shows explains where, how, and why of your project
(you may have pictures here)

Slide 7 shows pictures from your experience

Slide 8 describes what you felt and saw during your project

Slide 9 describes how your book, research paper, and project connected

Slide 10 is your personal opinion on the book, research paper,
and everything we did this quarter.
What do you think about what you did over the entire quarter?