
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Book Write #3

Sample Tweets:
Next time, the 3rd Book Write is due: 

“Thy tongue, thy face, thy limbs do give thee five fold blazon.”

Using typical language, “tweet me”something clever. You get 140 characters. Send me a typical 140 character text message and what the reply should be. Include the quote you modeled the tweet from.

Vader, Tall, Dark, Handsome: ready to rule Universe despite losing hand. Burnt, lost limbs but not inner focus, loyal to Empire. Luke's Dad.

Luke, Evil father cut off hand, raised on Tatooine, trained by Ben & Yoda, last Jedi,crushed on sister Leia, BFF Han. I'll never join you!

Harry Potter:  scar, magical, Ginger lover, brave, has owl, Chosen One, orphan, parseltongue, Patronus=stag, defense of dark "expelliarmus!"

Bella: vampire wanna-be, indecisive, uber-dramatic, depressing, life revolves around men, adrenaline junkie, jumps off cliff, suicidal.

Edward: pale, sparkley, Bella-obsessed, creeper, possessive, protective, veggie vampire, Bella-converter, "You're my brand of heroin."