
Monday, February 14, 2011

Book Write Rules

Things you FORGOT! (Can you believe you have forgotten something?!)
1. Everything needs to be in MLA style (Here's a sample--see the link)
2. Double space EVERYTHING. No, really.
3. Everything lines up on the L hand side. Yes, you still indent your paragraphs.
4. You do NOT put an extra space between ANYTHING.
5. You DO need a date on your paper. It should be in MLA style. 14 February 2011.
6. ALWAYS include the TITLE and AUTHOR of the book you are writing about, like: In Mary Higgins Clark's While My Pretty One Sleeps...
7. You must use italics (or underline) your title of a book.
8. Try to use "sparkley" verbs. Avoid the common BE verbs like am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been.
9. Don't use YOU. You don't mean ME (Mrs. Phippen). You mean The READER and The AUTHOR of the book.