
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Flex 2/16 Tone, Mood & Word Choice

"Dead Flowers" by Miranda Lambert
1. What happens at the very beginning of the video to the flowers and the color in the video? How does it set the mood?
2. She says she feels like the "flowers in this vase." What does that feel like for her? Describe that.
3. Why isn't "he feeling anything?"
4. She says she feels like "this long string of lights." What does that feel like? Describe that.
5. What happens when she's "living in a hurricane"?
6. She says she feels like "the tires on this car" and there's something in the rear view mirror. What is it?
7. How is the mood and tone like Twelfth Night?
8. Is the character at all like Olivia?