
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The New vs the Old Globe

1. How is the re-built Globe like the original?
a. (1)
b. (1)
c. (1)
2. List one way The Globe is modern:
3. About how many spectators do scholars think The Globe could hold? (1)
Will the modern Globe hold that many? Why or why not? (2)
4. How did you know what kind(s) of play you would see? (3)
5. What did they sell at concessions? (3)
What didn't they sell? (2)
6. About how often did they have new plays? (2) --do the math!
7. What can you infer about Shakespeare's acting troupe? (3)
8. Tell me about the first performance of Henry VIII and Shakespeare's last play. (2)
9. True or False: The Globe was The King's Men's only theater. (1)
10. Why didn't Shakespeare publish his own works? (1)