
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

FLEX Sample Test Questions for Twelfth Night

The test is March 17th for B Day and March 18th for A Day
Of the 3 marriages in the play, which do you think will be most successful and why? List each marriage (1 point) and why you think it will be successful (1 point) based on what you know about the characters (3 points) 15 points total for this question.
There is much said about fools, wisdom, and being foolish, wise, and being crazy. Who are the fools in this play and why? (worth 5 points) Who is actually foolish and why? (Worth 5 points) You must use specific examples from the play and be detailed. Is anyone in the play actually crazy? Why or why not? Be specific. (5 points). 15 points total.
Olivia and Viola have many similarities, but they also have many differences, Compare them completely. Organize a good essay. Create an outline first (worth 5 points). Then write at least 2 good paragraphs. (Worth 10 points).
Do you feel sorry for Malvolio, or did he get what was coming to him, why or why not? Have at least 3 good reasons. Worth 15 points.
Malvolio acts contrary to his nature. Which other characters act contrary to their nature? Is there a difference between disguise and acting "out of character"? Why or why not? Worth 15 points.
Orsino and Viola discuss the difference between how men and women love. Do you believe there's a difference? Has it changed since Shakespeare's time? If so, how? Compare. Give examples, details, quotes if possible. Use at least 2 paragraphs. 3-4 strong details. 15 points.
Trace how the Duke changes his opinion and understanding of love. What, if anything, does he learn? If Viola schools him in love, when does it occur, and what/where/when does it suggest the Duke has matured in his ideas of love? Worth 15 points. Give examples, details, quotes if possible. Use at least 2 paragraphs. 3-4 strong details. 15 points.
3 characters are in love with Olivia: Malvolio, Orsino, and Sir Andrew. How are their feelings and methods of courtship similar/different? Compare. Give examples, details, quotes if possible. Use at least 2 paragraphs. 3-4 strong details. 15 points.
Orsino and Viola discuss the difference between how men and women love. Do you believe there's a difference? Has it changed since Shakespeare's time? If so, how? Compare. Give examples, details, quotes if possible. Use at least 2 paragraphs. 3-4 strong details. 15 points.