
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

When Learning is *HARD*

People generally resist trying to learn new things. Why is that? Why do we struggle with what is hard? What is  your learning process when you are learning something new or hard? What is the hardest thing you have ever had to learn or study? When was it? Did you embrace it, or did you struggle against it?

When I was 7 years old my mother decided I was going to be a concert pianist. She decided it was time for me to take piano lessons. At first, it was grand fun. She signed me up for piano lessons... and I took piano lessons for 12 years. Not all of those years were fun. In fact, only about the first year was fun. 

I took piano from "Sister Hoen" up the street for the first 5 years, and when I was 14, I graduated to Barbara Ellison, of the amazingly resilient Fortrel suits, for the rest of my career. When I was 16, I traded the piano concerto training in on piano teaching training (as long as I promised I wouldn't date "that boy, which wasn't much of a trade, as "that boy" had off-loaded me *sob*). 

The hardest thing I ever had to learn was that my mother had truly wasted her dream. I was never going to BE a concert pianist. I wasn't much of a pianist. I was musical, and I had talent, but I didn't share in her dream. That's the real problem. I hadn't embraced the dream with her. Sadly.