
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Internal V External & Direct v Indirect Characertistics

  • Direct: You can see it; you can hear it; you can taste it; touch it; smell it. You can OBSERVE this with your 5 senses.
  • Indirect is when... you base hypothesis, inference (guesses) upon knowledge gained from direct "its."
  • Internal characters are motivated (moved) by feelings, personal drive, things THEY want. (VERB--doings, feelings, etc.)
  • External character is motivated by things, people, places. NOUNS--other people, other places, getting/losing things.
Write about the characters in your outside reading book. I want to know:
What you observed (directly) about your character? FACTS
What can you indirectly infer about your characters?
What motivates your characters? Are the characters more internally or externally motivated? HOW YOU KNOW??