
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Book for term 2

1. You must SHOW me the book.
If you don't physically HAVE the book with you, you will not get points (25 points).
AUTHOR of the BOOK (Who holds copyright).
WHO is this book about? (What situation)
2. Why did you choose THIS book? What attracted you to this book?
  • You like the person
  • It was short
  • It was at my house
  • My ___ recommended it
  • (there are more)
3. Who or what does this book talk about? (NON-FICTION: biography, autobiography, true story of ___ --memoir).
4. How many pages does it have?
5. When was it written? (What kind of info will it be missing?)
6. Is your person still alive? Is this the last biography about them?
7. Have you ever studied this person before? What do you hope to learn?
8. Who REALLY wrote the book? (Does it have a ghost writer?) What does this tell you about the person on the cover?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Honors: The Chosen chapter 4

You should have taken a group quiz on chapter 4, The Chosen.
Your homework is to read chapter 5 & 6.
Today, we'll be talking about complex sentences and how to use them in your writing.
Then, I'll remind you, you must have your next H Outside Reading Book chosen by next week (November 2nd).

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Honors English, The Chosen

1. Compare Reuven's injury to Billy and Mr. Savo. How is Reuven injured? How is Billy injured? How is Mr. Savo injured? (worth 3 points)
2. What if Reuven had been hit in the jaw instead of the eye? What do eyes symbolize? How would having a broken JAW change the actual message of the story? (2 points)
3. What is the year this story takes place? 1 9 __ __
Bonus: how do you know?
4. Danny has an eidetic (photographic) memory. How does having a photographic memory affect Daniel and those around him? How will it influence his career and life? (2 points)
5. What does Danny feel forced to do when he grows up. WHY? (2 points)
6. What does Reuven want to be when he grows up? (1 point)

Journal Write:Choose ONE of the following prompts and write for 15 minutes. 
  • Write about a time you were seriously injured and went to the hospital. How did it happen? How old were you? What was the treatment? How did your parents react? Be DESCRIPTIVE.
  • Compare your father to David Malter. Be specific: how is he like or different in specific areas to David Malter.
  • Write about a time when you experienced "hubris" or terrific overconfidence. You assumed you had everything under control or "in the bag" only to realize you did NOT when things fell apart. Who/what/when/where/why/how? Tell the story.
  • Have you ever had to apologize (profusely) for doing something? What was it? What did you say? Who did you have to apologize to? How did it turn out? Did they forgive you? Do you agree with David Malter when he says, "If a person comes to apologize for having hurt you, you must listen and forgive him."
Fold a piece of paper in half. Label one side Reuven and the other side Danny.
We'll discuss parallelism and tie it back to "Allegory of the Cave." (Betcha thought we were done with that one! HA!) 
“The Fathers”-- Read chapter 4 for homework (to page 92) Next time we'll be discussing FATHERS, so you'll want to be particularly aware of what's going on with all the fathers in the story. :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

What goes into the portfolio?

See the portfolio check here.
What if you are missing your binders? Print them here.
What if you are missing class notes? Search the blog OR research/download them.
You CAN get extra credit on this assignment by having more than I expected you would! :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

What did we do today (Th/Fr) in English?

We had a quiz on binary opposition.
We discussed the directions for the book report for Term 2. (Non-fiction).
We wrote sentences about dependent/independent clauses (IC DC; DC, IC).
We read "Allegory of the Cave." 
NEXT TIME we will look at binders for organization.
Binders are worth 70 points!

Reading Allegory of the Cave

Directions are HERE.
You will have these questions to answer.

Quiz on Binary Opposition

1. What is binary when it comes to computers?
2. What is binary opposition in philosophy/writing?
3. Why do people think in binary terms?
4. Why did we watch Katy Perry's "Hot & Cold" (warrant)--what was the point of the video (claim)? HOW was it binary opposition (evidence)? (you should have 3 answers: WHY, WHAT, HOW).
5. What is an allegory?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Binary Opposition images

Create a poster for binary opposition

With a group of 3-4 people, create a poster where you have many symbols and words that describe binary opposition.

  • What is it? 
  • Why do we use it? 
  • Why do people think in binary opposites?
You will need to send ONE person to get poster paper from the copy center.
You will use crayons, markers, etc. to make your poster.
Remember, your poster DESCRIBES binary opposition. What is it?
What are some GOOD examples of binary opposites?
Why do people think this way?

B3 Binary Oppositions

1. God/devil
2. Masculine/feminine
3. Positive/negative
4. Batman/Joker
5. Protagonist/antagonist
6. Hero/villain
7. Loki/Thor
8. Sober/drunk
9. Republican/Democrat
10. Hot/Cold
11. Diet Coke/Coke Classic
12. True/False
13. Harry Potter/Voldemort
14. Black/white
15. Left/Right
16. Yes/No
17. Facebook/MySpace (social network)
18. McDonalds/Burger King
19. Near/Far
20. Vegetarian/Carnivore
21. Happy/sad
22. Red/blue
23. Pink/blue
24. Cat/dog
25. Moon/Sun
26. Shoes/barefoot
27. Up/down
28. Hot dog/hamburger
29. Curly/straight
30. Stop/go
31. Kanye/Taylor
32. Ceiling/Floor
33. Fire/ice
33. Soup/salad
34. Light saber/blaster
35. Ignorance/knowledge
36. Salty/sweet (sweet/sour)
37. Country/city
38. Cowboy/Indian
39. Robber/cop
40. Student/teacher

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

So what is the deal with BINARY opposition?

Binary opposition defined. It means that things can be condensed into 2 (polar) answers. Often, understanding 1 is based on the other (these are like analogies: __ is to __ as __ is to __).
Here's a review of binary opposition

We also talked about allegory and extended metaphor. Allegory is a literary device using a name to represent something bigger. For example, if a person's name is Liberty or Freedom, this would be an allegory for that ideal. A literary example would be John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress where the main character's name is Christian. The story in itself is a religious allegory. 

Famous Allegories
Wizard of Oz
The Matrix
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Giving Tree
Shrek Allegory
The Lorax
The Places You'll Go
The Sneetches

Binary Opposites A4

1. Male/female
2. Strong/weak
3. Horizontal/vertical
4. Attractive/unattractive
5. North/South
6. God/Devil
7. Sailor/Farmer
8. Warrior/Pacifist
9. Clean/dirty
10. Hot/Cold
11. Vegetarian/carnivore
12. BYU/UofU
13. Fat/skinny
14. Rich/poor
15. Awake/asleep
16. Wet/dry
17. Caring/Ruthless
18. Straight/gay
19. Curly/straight
20. Right/wrong
21. Life/death
22. Night/day
23. Right/left
24. Water/fire
25. Vintage/New
26. Communism/Democracy
27. Arctic/Sahara
28. Rainforest/desert

What book should I choose for Term 2?

1. Non-fiction (can't be made up)
2. You can't have read it before
3. Choose something that interests you in this area:
  • Biography (professional)
  • Autobiography (professionally ghostwritten)
  • Memoir (one event in someone's life)
4. It should be of adult, substantial length. No junior, elementary biographies. At least 200-ish pages.
5. Your person needs to have changed the world in a positive way. Do not choose someone who's famous for drug use or infamous reasons.

A2 Binary Opposites

Binary Opposite: Comparing things that are different so that their similarities are highlighted.
1. Blonde/Brunette
2. Clean/dirty
3. Happy/sad
4. Life/death
5. Hairy/bald
6. Loud/quiet
7. Love/hate
8. Heaven/hell
9. Win/lose
10. Fast/slow
11.. Tall/short
12. Father/mother
13. Son/daughter
14. Hard/soft
15. Attractive/repulsive
16. Hero/villain
17. Yes/no
18. Salt/pepper
19. Near/far
20. Open/close
21. Light/dark
22. Summer/Winter
23. Cat/dog
24. Black/white
25. Strong/weak
26. Feminine/masculine
27. Smart/stupid
28. Clockwise/counter-clockwise
29. Wide/narrow
30. Fat/thin
31. Sun/moon
32. Clothed/nude
33. Fire/water
34. Earth/air

Binary Opposities

Binary Opposites:
Terms/Concepts that are contrasting so that we can understand the ideas by comparison.
1. In vs out
2. Love vs hate
3. Appetizer vs dessert
4. Light vs dark
5. Whisper vs shout
6. Boy vs girl (man vs woman)
7. Teacher vs student
8. Ocean vs desert
9. Tall vs short
10. Big vs small
11. Circle vs square
12. Good vs evil
13. Run vs walk
14. Life vs death
15. Ugly vs beautiful
16. Forward vs backward
17. Mom vs dad
18. Success vs failure
19. Pencils vs erasers
20. Predator vs prey
21. Fire vs water (ice)
22. Young vs old
23. Solid vs liquid
24. Timpanogos vs ______
25. Batman vs Joker
26. Black vs white
27. Hello vs goodbye
28. Up vs down
29. Heaven vs Hell
30. Soft vs hard
31. Asleep vs awake

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Book Report Questions

1. Write the TITLE of your book.
2. Write the AUTHOR of your book.
3. Did you COMPLETELY finish your book? (When?)
4. Why was the book CALLED what it was? (Why did the author choose that title? What's the significance?)
5. Describe your main character WITHOUT re-telling the story.
6. Where & when is your book SET?
7. What is the CLIMAX of the story? (What is the ONE big event?)
8. What starts (INCITES) the event?
9. Does this book end happily? Sadly? Cliffhanger? 
10. How many stars would you give this book?
  1. ★ This book SUCKED
  2. ★ ★ This book was "meh"
  3. ★ ★ ★This book was good
  4. ★ ★ ★ ★ This book was GREAT
  5. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ This book was PERFECT. The BEST. book. EVER.
11. Are you satisfied with this book? Why or why not?
12. Who would you recommend this book to? (AUDIENCE)
13. Why did you choose this bottle? What makes it perfect for the GENRE?
14. What is the theme?

For each book in your group, you will write down TITLE, THEME, RECOMMENDATION, and GENRE. You NEED to discuss your bottle! (How does it show THEME and GENRE?)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Playing with clause order DC, IC & IC DC for effect.

Book report work day
Week 8:
Oct 8 (B)

Playing with clause order DC, IC & IC DC for effect.
Book report work day
TEST on Symbolism & Theme

Comma Rule #5: Introductory Elements: Playing with clause order DC, IC & IC DC for effect.
Paragraph test: How does symbolism affect theme? 

Oct 9 (A) 10 (B) 

Book Report Day
Write paragraph on Symbolism & Theme
*Four complex sentences - 2  DC, IC & 2 IC DC (formative)

FALL BREAK 11-12 & 15

Week 9:
Oct 16 (A) 17 (B)-- Allegory of the Cave

Review and Remediate Unit Content

What is an allegory? (Lorax?)
HOMEWORK: Writer’s Notebook 

We will have a notebook check.

Oct 18 (A) 19 (B)

Review and Remediate Unit Content

TURN IN Writer’s Notebook
Hot & Cold: Binary opposition
Carousel activity
Wright of Darby -- Chiaroscuro

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Where am I in my book?

Add caption
  • Where are you in your book?
  • How much more do you have to do on your book report papers?
  • What is the main idea/theme/subject of the book?
  • What is the BIAS of your author?
  • What is the GENRE of the book?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Your book report DUE 10/9 (A) 10/10 (B)

You should have the following documents to do your book report:
A setting page (download/print HERE)
A plot page (download/print HERE)
A character page (download/print MALE or FEMALE)
You will also have a MESSAGE in a BOTTLE

The Apple Tree

Today, we discussed "The Apple Tree" by Katherine Mansfield. We reviewed how symbolism and allusion affect the theme (message, thesis statement, etc.) of a piece.
We discussed "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri (and watched the lyric video--it had all the allusions/symbols to the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer.) We also discussed bias and how it is not a *bad* thing, instead it is the filter that everyone sees the world through.
Links here for discussion.
We discussed bias, as well.