
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Other Shows You Can See for Extra Credit

Play on!
The Civil War at
Imaginary Invalid 
UVU Noorda Theater
Feb 28, Mar 1, 2, 4, 5-9 @ 7:30pm
Matinee on Mar 2 & 9 @ 2:00pm
$15 General ($10 Students)

Need Extra Credit??

See The Importance of Being Earnest at Orem High School 
February 25 - 28, 2013 
175 South 400 East, Orem, UT 84097
Hours of Operation: 7pm-9pm
Price: $5
The point of this paper is to EVALUATE the play not just describe it.  If you just describe the plot to me, won't get extra credit. WE ALL KNOW THE PLOT BECAUSE WE READ IT IN CLASS.  Be sure to obtain a program and use it to correctly identify the ACTORS/names of characters,etc.
Basic Information
Name of the play.
What date and time?
Directing: Try to comment on the following.
How did this production differ from the movie we watched in class? How did this director see the production differently?
  • Choose at least two actors (male or female) to comment on in some depth. Please spell actors’ and characters’ names correctly.
  • Were the roles appropriately cast? 
  • Were some actors inadequate to their roles? In what ways? 
  • Were some actors especially effective? If so, how and with what effect?
  • Were the actors audible? Understandable?
  • Were there any special skills (such as dancing, singing, fencing, playing a musical instrument) required of any of the actors? If so, how effectively were the demands met?

Scenic Design:

  • In what type of performance space was the production staged?
  • What characteristics did the scenery embody? What did the scenery convey about the play?
  • How did the scenery contribute (or fail to contribute) to the total production? What would have been lost if the scenery had been eliminated?
  • Since the scene was so different from the movie, was it still effective

Costume Design and Makeup: 
  • Were there any special costume needs? (historical, fantasy?etc.?) If so how well was it handled?
  • Were there any special makeup needs? (Same as above) If so how well was it handled?
  • Overall, how did costumes and makeup contribute (or fail to contribute) to the total production?

Final Thoughts

  • What was your overall impression of the performance?
  • What was your overall impression of the experience?
  • Any final thoughts?

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Globe Theater

We discussed The Globe Theater. See Wikipedia link here.

You can take the 360 degree tour here
Or you can watch the Doctor Who version
Which has no basis in reality what-so-ever, except that it was actually filmed in the new Globe Theater and has great live shots. (It also has all sorts of real facts about the Globe thrown in, and allusions to Harry Potter, just for kicks and giggles.)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What do you know about Shakespeare?

  • Get out a piece of paper.
  • Get a partner.
  • Make a list of EVERYTHING you know about Shakespeare.
  • You have 3 minutes...
Now you can watch this

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Book Report Term 3: Sell me Your Book!

For your book report this quarter, you will "sell" your book to your classmates. You may choose to do this in several ways. Choose ONE:
  • Create a movie poster. It should look good, have key characters, a symbol from the book, and a "blurb." It should also have a rating. (See samples in class). You will need quotes to support your choices.
  • Create a soundtrack for your book. You should have a plot outline of key moments, a CD of the songs (if you need help with the CD, come talk to me), and key lyrics highlighted to demonstrate your knowledge of the book. You will need to play parts of this for the class. You will need quotes to support your choices.
  • Create a commercial to sell your book. There are a variety of these available to see. Try this one at for The Fault in our Stars. Here's the book I bought  my husband for Christmas: Tess Gerritsen's Last to Die a Rizzoli & Isles mystery.
  • Create a book display like the professionals do to promote or sell your book. It would have a poster, blurbs, items/symbols, and other interesting items about your book. You will need quotes to prove you read it!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Honors English questions for The Importance of Being Earnest Test

The Importance of Being Earnest explores all of the types of irony: verbal, dramatic, situational and cosmic. Find irony in the play you are reading outside of class and discuss its effectiveness to the plot structure of the overall play.
Why would Oscar Wilde choose to have several people use the name Ernest, and what is the importance of being Ernest or earnest, anyway? This is a play on words. In your outside reading play, find a situation where your author has specifically used connotation that is different than denotation that adds meaning or depth to the reading of the text. Write about it.
When Lady Bracknell judges Cecily, she uses parentage, background, and money. She does not ask about her personality, goals, or anything about who Cecily is individually. Write about something in the play you are reading in the play outside of class that is similar. What happens to the characters? Are they flat/static or round/multi-dimensional and have empathetic readings. (This would be a character study).

Monday, February 11, 2013

Are we still having class, or what?

You should now have
  • Completed the play
  • Filled out ALL the study guides (available at THIS LINK)
  • And be ready for the TEST! (AHHHH!)
The test is Wednesday for A day and Thursday for B day.
It is OPEN BOOK and OPEN NOTES. It asks you to compare/contrast (foil), satire (irony/sarcasm), and write essay #3 (originally handed out). 
Good luck!