Today in class we had a quiz. It was on theme. Students needed to define theme, identify the theme in their book, and then write about a common cliche or aphorism (motto) that was similar to their book. Then they needed to identify: 1. Why they thought the author wrote the book (what was the lesson or message their author wanted to share?) 2. They needed to identify 3 specific times the book seemed to point out that message.
We talked about SYMBOLISM today in class. We discussed that symbolism is when an object (noun: person, place, thing) symbolizes another thing (person, place, concept). Money is a symbol (it's all the same size, shape and color---but some is worth more than others). We looked at the cover of Twilight and discussed the apple. Other "controllable" items in a book can be symbolic: weather, setting, character names, color.
We used the song "Something in Red" and discussed color symbolism.