
How Are Things Graded, and What Do Scores Mean?

What Happens When I Turn Something In?

You, the student, always give me an oral YES or NO whether or not you are turning in the assignment. I immediately put this score into Skyward. If you are NOT turning in the assignment, I enter NHI and a zero into the computer. This gives your parent a "right now" look at your homework. They are able to see up to the minute where you stand when class has started.

If you are absent, I enter AB  into the computer, and I manually check the missing box so that it will remind you to turn this in.

When I turn something in, Where does it go?

When you put something into my IN basket, I take it out at the end of the day; I separate it into piles by classes, and then clip each class together with a large butterfly clip. I put the piles back into the basket, and then I take the whole basket to grade. I grade each pile, putting the scores in by class.

Once the class has be scored, I put the clips back in a pile, the piles all together, and the scored piles in an Amazon box to bring back to class, basket on top. Items in the Amazon box have been graded; Items in the basket have not. Alternately, this will be a Walmart bag  if I am out of Amazon boxes. The routine, however, does not change. 

How long does this process honestly take? No, really?

I'd love to tell you I was the quickest grader out there, but I am not. I grade about 1300 papers a week, but I am not quick. It takes me about 2 weeks once a paper is handed in to get everything graded. Expect that kind of turn around time. I have my grades as up to date as possible on Sunday evenings at midnight.

What is the best way to reach you? I have a problem.

Send me an email. I read them, even on weekends.