Reminder: The Chosen: Deconstructing the movie, tonight after school.
1. Turned in their take-home essay test.
2. Turned in their late pass.
3. Got a grade print-out
4. Received all graded work
5. Discussed common errors in Thought Exercises
✏ lack of creative title
✏ no questions
✏ title of work not included
✏ author not included
✏ didn't use 2 concrete details (quotes)
✏ didn't include page numbers
✏ didn't follow the Schaefer Model.
✏ wrote too much (and much that didn't matter)
✏ wrote about "you" and "we" instead of the book (it's a literary analysis. It doesn't matter what "you" or "we" feel.)
✏ No conclusion or good thesis (starts with a quote).
6. We went over the rubric and how we would use it next quarter.
7. Students created a book summary for The Chosen and for their home reading book.