Today we talked about what there was to do for the project, the proposal, and the research paper. Here's a brief review:
1. Students need to choose what they want to DO and what they want to KNOW. To start that process, students want to look here (as I did all the Google for them).
Students need to know what they want to do so they can write the proposal. It's a personal choice, but parents must sign-off on the project.
2. Next time, we'll go over how to do the proposal. The questions they will need to know the answers to are located here. Proposals are always the who, what, when, where, why, how of the project; people use proposals in college and in business, and proposals almost always equal money. (In this case, they equal a grade).
Proposals are due 11/11 for B day and 11/10 for A day.
3. Students will research what they need to know to be able to do their project. This is a subject, not as much as a project. The research paper is outlined here.
Research papers are due before Thanksgiving break, 11/23 for B day; 11/24 for A day.
4. Students will have until after the winter break to complete their project and prepare a presentation. Their presentation will be a powerpoint, and we'll go over in class the slides that are important and crucial to the presentation. The presentation is primarily a "show and tell" about their research, their project, and what they learned, thought and felt. We'll do presentations on January 4th for A days and January 5th for B days. The term is over on January 8th.
Everything we do this quarter is based on the concept that people shape the world they live in; the world can and will mold a person, but a person can change that and mold the world they live in. It's a personal choice, made by one person, every day. To say that kids are the future implies that we show them how, when, and why they can do that for maximum effect.
Their biography on someone who has made a difference will be due before Christmas break (12/16 for B day; 12/17 for A day). The directions for the book report are here.