
Monday, November 30, 2009

Honors English, Monday MIDTERM Wrap-up

1. MIDTERM grade printed this morning.
2. You need to turn in your AIDA review
3. You have a Home Reading Thought Exercise due Friday.
4. Parent/Teacher Conference  is on Wednesday.
5. There is an EXTRA CREDIT showing of Dead Poet's Society on Wednesday after school. We'll be discussing "carpe diem" and old, dead, white poets. We'll examine theme and how the movie shaped the modern definition of "carpe diem."
6. BOOK REPORT presentations for extra credit on 12/22. Due on 1/5.2010.

We changed seats.
We talked about "carpe diem" and "melodrama" today.
You need to TP-CASTT "To the Virgins to Make Much of Time" by Robert Herrick. There will be a quiz next time comparing it to a song.