
Thursday, May 26, 2011

What are we doing on the day of the FINAL exam!?!

We are grading the final exam!!

Then we are getting EVERYTHING back! (Except for what I haven't graded). Check your grades. Email me with questions.

Then we are getting your letters you wrote yourself from the beginning of the year. You are then going to have questions to answer (see them from the LadyBug.)

Please come by and have your yearbook signed! 
See you next year...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Let the Wind Chase You FLEX!

Today we did Trisha Yearwood's "Let the Wind Chase You" Flex. Lesson Plan here!
Last extra credit flex of the year.

On Tuesday, May 24th the flex is to work out issues on your grades. BRING A GRADE PRINT OUT WITH YOU!!

Thrilling--Final exam

The Thrill of the Grass (Short Story link here)
Today I handed out the final exam in the A day classes. Please make sure you stopped by and got yours! It is DUE IN CLASS on the day of your final!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

End of the year? Already??

As we get near the end of the year (Already?) here are some things to be aware of:
*only* tomorrow's flex is extra credit. There are no more extra credit flex days. If you need extra credit visit this link.
Here is the graduation schedule via the Alpine School District web site. 
We will start FINAL EXAMS on Thursday, May 26th for A1, A2, & A3. This is an early out day.
All days are early release after May 26th.
I will not accept any work after Friday May 27th.

Don't forget to visit the calendar at the top links. That's what they are there for. Every day in class, we review what's due. We review what's coming next, and we review what you are responsible for! You have a book report. You have a final exam. Each are VERY large assignments.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Thrill of the Grass

The Thrill of the Grass (Short Story link here)

Flex: Then (Following "She's Everything"

Flex today was on "Then" which follows "She's Everything" by Brad Paisley. The link is here.
It is about characterization, how a character changes, questioning a text, and inquiry/implication.


Return your study guide for "Once More to the Lake" (story available here).
You have your LAST book write due. You should have finished your book! Check your due date calendar. Next time you'll get the final exam. It is take home. If you don't return it, you will fail the test and the class. RETURN THE TEST.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lab Day--Everything

Today we were in the writing lab (608)
We did "Everything" by Brad Paisley. Lesson Plan here.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Honors Creating an Outline...

You should ALWAYS be using MLA Style to format your papers, and you should ALWAYS be using Schaffer to write your content. There are multiple outline formats on MY site at this link

Friday, May 13, 2011

Lesson Plan Updates

Flex for Wednesday was "If Heaven" (Lesson Plan here)
Flex for Friday is "Glitter in the Air" (Lesson Plan here)

Students in honors English are finishing with Huckleberry Finn. They are following the honors English calendar located here HERE. They should read for homework to page 290 in their books by next Tuesday. Their last book write is due on Thursday (along with their study guide on chapters 31-36, available here)

Today in B4, we will be reading "Once More to the Lake" by E.B. White in class.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Flex, Tuesday 5/10 "Swing"

Today we talked about connotation/denotation (euphemism) and metaphor. We watched "Swing" by Trace Adkins and the lesson plan is located here. It links to Huckleberry Finn's understanding of people and Field of Dreams metaphor of baseball. Remember, there is no flex on Thursday. Thursday's flex "If Heaven" will move to Wednesday.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Flex, Friday 5/6 -- River of Dreams!

Today we discussed River of Dreams by Billy Joel. The lesson plan is here.
It goes along with both Huckleberry Finn AND "The Thrill of the Grass."

Is this Heaven? No, it's English.

Today in class, we started watching Field of Dreams as our introduction to "The Thrill of the Grass" by W.P Kinsella. We discussed this viewing guide which you may download if you have misplaced yours. (It is green). 

You should have turned in your Book Write #3. Some of you also needed to turn in your study guide for "Piano" (D.H. Lawrence)/"Those Winter Sundays" (Robert Hayden). You may have turned that in during class last time.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Flex for Thursday, 5/5

Today we read Casey at the Bat. I had 2 copies of the book,  and we listened to it being narrated by James Earl Jones and the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra. 
This is in preparation for the unit in regular English 10 on "The Thrill of the Grass" and Field of Dreams.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Book Write #3 on PLOT (Regular English)

If you went through a magical portal, what would you do? Who would you be friends with? How would you interact with your characters?

Explain 3 differences between your book’s “reality” and the real world. How is it different in real life than the way your author portrays it? Use quotes and examples to support the “plot holes.”

In ______ (situation) how would your character react? If ______ were to happen, how would YOU react? If you were in the same situation as your character, how would you react? Do you agree with the way your characters have reacted?

If this were a play, how would you set it up? How would you direct this scene?

Flex for Tuesday, 5/3

We discussed "Drive (For Daddy Gene)" by Alan Jackson. The lesson you should have learned was about simile, allusion, theme, and the concept of childhood/fathers/and nostalgia (and building family relationships).

The link to the lesson is here. There was a video for it (available at iTunes.) You can probably also view it on YouTube.

Honors English Tuesday

Link for Study Guides