
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Acceptable Use Policy Directions

AUP CONFIRMATION DIRECTIONS These directions are courtesy of Michael Nagro. Thank you SO MUCH!
Online directions for parents to give approval for computer and internet use at school
After October 19, any student who does not have on-line permission from a parent/guardian will not be allowed to use computers or the internet at school. The paper permission form is no longer valid. The following instructions will walk parents through the process.
  • Log-on to Skyward using the parent log-in and password (not the student) then go to theRegister for 2011-2012 link on the left side.
    • Click on the tab in the center of the screen that says, Start registration for (student name).” Four steps will appear. These must be completed in sequence.
    • Click on the checkbox at the end of each step and a green check mark will appear indicating that the step has been completed.
  • Step 1 – Student information (review and change if needed), click the check box
  • Step 2 – Ethnicity/Race (review and change if needed), click the check box·
  • Step 3 – Student acceptable use form (2 parts)
    • Click box 1 – “I have reviewed the acceptable use policy”
    • Click box 2 – “I grant permission”
    • Click the save box in the upper right corner
  • Step 4 – Personal information media release form (review), click the check box
  • Final step – hit the button in the center of the screen that says, “Complete registration for (student) for the 2011-2012 school year.” A purple button will appear in the upper right corner of the screen that says, “Complete Online Registration”Hit that and you are done!