
Sunday, April 15, 2012

What are we doing for the rest of the year?!

We have 14 more class periods, but 3 of them are CRT days, and one of them is a final exam! That means we have only 10 more REAL class periods, and one of them is a day for book reports! Here's what we are doing for the rest of the year!
      For the next 3 class periods we'll have CRT testing.
Day 13 CRT (4/17a; 4/18b) SSRI
Day 12 CRT (4/19a; 4/20b) JOURNAL write assigned
Day 11 CRT (4/23a; 4/24b) WRITE DUE: revision due.
Day 10  (4/25a;4/26b)Fathers & Sons Unit: Field of Dreams review questions
Day 9  (4/27a;4/30b)Field of Dreams review questions
Day 8 (5/1a;5/2b) "Once More to the Lake"
Day 7 (5/3a;5/4b)  "Once More to the Lake"
Day 6 (5/7a;5/8b) Comparison of poetry: "Piano," "My Papa's Waltz" & "Those Winter Sundays"
Day 5 (5/9a;5/10b)
Day 4 (5/11a;5/14b) "The Thrill of the Grass"
Day 3 (5/15a;5/16b) Book Reports DUE
Day 2 (5/17a;5/18b) Get "Thrill of the Grass" final exam.
Day 1 (5/21a)
FINAL EXAMS 5/22, 5/23, 5/24 
Memorial Day
No more school