2. Write the AUTHOR of your book.
3. Did you COMPLETELY finish your book? (When?)
4. Why was the book CALLED what it was? (Why did the author choose that title? What's the significance?)
5. Describe your main character WITHOUT re-telling the story.
6. Where & when is your book SET?
7. What is the CLIMAX of the story? (What is the ONE big event?)
8. What starts (INCITES) the event?
9. Does this book end happily? Sadly? Cliffhanger?
10. How many stars would you give this book?
- ★ This book SUCKED
- ★ ★ This book was "meh"
- ★ ★ ★This book was good
- ★ ★ ★ ★ This book was GREAT
- ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ This book was PERFECT. The BEST. book. EVER.
12. Who would you recommend this book to? (AUDIENCE)
13. Why did you choose this bottle? What makes it perfect for the GENRE?
14. What is the theme?
For each book in your group, you will write down TITLE, THEME, RECOMMENDATION, and GENRE. You NEED to discuss your bottle! (How does it show THEME and GENRE?)