See the Mikado at UVU, write a play critique about WHEN you went, WHAT you liked (very specifically and why), use actors names and the parts they played, and note lights, director, costumes, etc.Your critique is due within 1 week of the last performance, by April 27th.
Or, see THS's Little Women write a play critique about WHEN you went, WHAT you liked (very specifically and why), use actors names and the parts they played, and note lights, director, costumes, etc.Your critique is due within 1 week of the last performance, by April 27th.
Or see OHS's West Side Story, a modern Romeo & Juliet (she lives). write a play critique about WHEN you went, WHAT you liked (very specifically and why), use actors names and the parts they played, and note lights, director, costumes, etc.Your critique is due within 1 week of the last performance, by April 27th.
Sample play critique directions