
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Honors English 10--Wednesday

Today, you had the green Lesson 3, handout 4 & 5 (The Center for Learning) due. It was called "Getting to Know Pap" and "Matching Wits with Pap." We compared it with "My Papa's Waltz" by Theodore Rothke (good analysis here) and "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden (good analysis here).

We also listened to "Water and Bridges" by Kenny Rogers and compared it to both poems. Last time, we had a quiz, and you turned in the Strategic Reading study guide on Section 1 (Chapters 1-11).

Your homework is to READ chapters 12-18. You have a pink handout that runs chronologically. It will be due at the end of the book, but you can start to fill it out NOW. :o)