
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday, English 10: Mapping the Neighborhood

First, you evaluated your Body Shopping assignments.
You should have looked at the other students assignments and made comments on:
1. What you liked best (quotes, descriptions, pictures, what they said, etc.) looking at either their collage or what they wrote.
2. What you would add to their piece.
3. What you wish you knew (that you--or they) do not know.

Second, you got directions and paper on how to "Map Your Neighborhood"
Each student should have received a piece of 11x17 piece of paper. We discussed what should go on a map and reviewed the concepts of scale, legend, key, North, South, East, West, and that you should use symbols and envision how you see the setting of your book. If the book has a map, you should NOT refer to it, and instead look at how well the author created the setting in their mind and create the map you have in your head.

You can download items online, but you should be creative! DUE NEXT TIME!!!