
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

English 10: Characters

Today, you should add to your character notes. So far, you have these notes:
These characters are ROUND. They change and are well formed by your author.

These characters are FLAT. They do not change. They are reliable. These are usually not your main character.

Diamonds/"Diamonds in the rough" Diamonds come in chunks. They are graded by flaws and colors. Once they are cut, their true beauty can be seen in their color and cut. Their beauty "shines" out and is seen. They are "multi-faceted" or many-sided. Characters are also many-sided or they are shallow. Other ways of saying this would be to have many hues, rainbows, or similar ideas.

No depth, no features, loosely drawn. Boring. Basic. You don't know anything about a character. They have no back story. Some authors only know how to write one character (over and over and over again). They are "cartoon-ish" or like "coloring book" characters.

Casting the Character Assignment
You are the "director" of your book and it is being made into a movie. You must choose 5 actors to play the 5 main characters of your book. However, they can NOT be the same actors that have played in any movies made of your book before. 

You may make a poster, a presentation/powerpoint, a movie trailer, or a storyboard but your pictures of your actors/actresses MUST be accompanied with QUOTES from your book that defend your choices. You may not change your actor in any fundamental way (you must keep their height, etc). 

You will present this to the class on October 5th (A day) and 6th (B day).