
Friday, October 1, 2010

Character Notes, Updated

The unbeatable foe (like AIDS or cancer). The fight is still worth fighting because the foe is a "worthy" opponent. You never give up the battle without a fight. This is usually a battle between good and evil.

Direct Characteristics
The character traits your author tells you. These are things like hair color, eye color, jobs. You don't have to infer these things because they are descriptions and you can quote them.

Indirect Characteristics
These are character traits you must infer based on situations from the book. You would use these situations as examples instead of quotes. You must have specific examples as stories. Do not be general.

Hubris is overarching pride demonstrated by characters. It creates conflict in plot. It often is the point in the plot from which the protagonist and antagonist will not back away creating the drama.

HOMEWORK: Ask your author 5 questions from your own reading book that are raised as you are reading.
      Today in class we did an assignment where we questioned the text with Calvin & Hobbes. It is called "20 questions." If you need to make up that assignment, you'll need to come on a Flex Day and make that up.