
Monday, August 24, 2009

English 10: Monday, Monday!

Today in class students took a quiz on the disclosure document (worth 11 points).
Then students returned signed disclosure documents (worth 15 points).

After discussion of the current events going on this week at school, students had the following writing prompt (worth 20 points):

Paragraph 1: Tell me about your previous English experiences. Which English classes were "good" and why? Which English classes were not good and why?

Paragraph 2: What do YOU do well in English? What do you enjoy doing?

Paragraph 3: What areas in English are your weaknesses? How can you improve this year in English?

Students were asked to write 200 words, use 3 paragraphs with topic sentences, and be detailed and specific. Points allocated this way: (8) points for content--details, specifics, answering the question; (3) points for mechanics--spelling, punctuation, etc. (3) points for paragraphing. (3) points for topic sentences & organization; (3) points for length.